
Elected Boy Scout Leaders’ Duties and Responsibilities

The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), Assistant Senior Patrol (ASPL) and the Patrol Leader (PL) are elected troop leaders. Scouts know that the scout elected to lead them needs both Scouting experience and good character. As Scouts, you should ponder the qualities you are looking for in a leader. Does the individual have a good attendance record at scout meetings and outings? Does he live by the Scout Oath and Law? Does he show Scout spirit? Does he possess adequate scout skills? Has he had any leadership training? Does he get along with other people? Does he follow through on his word? Does he keep others correctly informed? What are his age and rank?

1)    Senior Patrol Leader:

The SPL presides over all troop activities. The SPL may turn the troop over to an adult or a scout, but the SPL retains overall leadership responsibility.

Some of the SPL’s usual duties are:
–    Preside at all troop meetings, events, and activities
–    PLC chairman
–    Make up PLC meeting agenda at least one week in advance
–    Name “Appointed Troop Leaders” with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster
–    Assign duties and responsibilities to appointed troop leaders
–    Show scout spirit
–    Attend all troop activities
–    Preside over membership inventory and troop inspections
–    Develop troop spirit and maintain control of the troop at all times

2)    Assistant Senior Patrol Leader:

–    Train and guide PLs
–    Help lead meetings and activities
–    Serve in place of the SPL when requested, and help develop troop/patrol spirit and helps maintain control of the troop/patrol at all times.
–    Show Scout spirit
– Attend all troop activities

3)    Patrol Leader:

The PL leads the scout patrol.

Some of the PL’s usual duties are:
–    Participate in JLT (junior leader training)
–    Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities
–    Keep patrol members informed of everything going on in the patrol and the troop
–    Share leadership by giving each patrol member a job, and replaces dropouts
–    Instruct patrol members in Scout craft skills
–    Represent the patrol at PLC meetings and at the annual program planning meeting
–    Ask patrol members their thoughts on patrol and troop activities that are being (or will be) discussed at PLC meetings
–    Prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities
–    Develop patrol spirit and maintains control of the patrol at all times
–    Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well
–    Know what patrol members and other leaders can do to help at meetings and outings
–    Show Scout spirit
–    Attend all troop activities

B    Appointed Boy Scout Leaders

There are ten scout leader positions that are filled by appointment by the SPL with the Scoutmaster’s advice and consent.

1)    Quartermaster:

–    Keep records of patrol and troop equipment
–    Keep equipment in good repair
–    Check equipment in and out with supervision of Equipment Chair and sees to it that it is returned in good order. If equipment needs repair, it is reported to the PLC and Equipment Chair.
–    Suggest new or replacement items needed to PLC

2)    Scribe:

–    Keep a log of PLC decisions
–    Record attendance at troop meetings and outings, and record dues payments
–    Record advancement in troop records
–    Maintain camping log
–    Maintain honor patrol competition records
–    Assist Newsletter Chair in publishing periodical newsletter

3)    Librarian:

–    Keep records on troop owned literature
–    Advise PLC of new or replacement needs
–    Have literature available for borrowing at troop meetings
–    Keep system to check in and out troop literature
–    Follow up on late returns
–    Keep merit badge counselor list

4)    Troop Historian:

–    Gather pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps these in permanent forms such as scrapbooks, wall displays, or information files
–    Take care of troop trophies and keepsakes
–    Keep information about troop alumni and their doings
–    Help the Rotary Club and the troop leadership in making use of troop historical material

5)    Chaplain’s Assistant:

–    Help in troop program planning to consider religious holidays and include religious services at troop activities
–    Assist in planning and carrying out religious services at troop activities
–    Tell troop members about religious emblem program of their faith and how to earn one
–    Encourage troop members to live up to the ideals of the Scout Oath, Law, and slogan

6)    Assistant Patrol Leader:

Appointed by the patrol leader
–    Lead the patrol in the absence of the PL
–    Help with patrol business
–    Perform tasks assigned by PL

–    For the troop: he is the recruiting officer, bringing Cub scouts into the troop, and promoting joint activities
–    Looks to ASPL and Den Chief Advisor for guidance

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